Wit, Wisdom and Wow are synonymous with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley. Her marriage of no holds barred humor and honesty, coupled with integrity and compassion make her one of Europe and America’s most sought after metaphysical healers and synergistic speakers.

After receiving a BA in Communications and Graphic Design from Coker University in Hartsville, South Carolina, a mere six months later, Mary Helen’s path took a gloriously gnarly twist following her NDE. She went on to receive an Associate’s degree in Chemistry and Physics before completing a Doctorate in Chiropractic in 1998. As president of the student body at Sherman College of Chiropractic, Mary Helen took to the stage like a fish to water. Local talks became regional, regional banter became national forums and eventually, all the world became her stage. Loving all things within her unique bag of experiences, Mary Helen loves nothing more than connecting with a live audience of five or five thousand.

From graduations to Glastonbury, to a mile-long list of podcast appearances, MH shows up every single time with an utterly contagious enthusiasm for showing people how to live with purpose, commitment and an understanding of the importance of micro to macro manifestation.