Chiropractic Care

Dr. Mary Helen opened Athlone Chiropractic Care and Metaphysical Healing on July 7, 1999. Hundreds of thousands of adjustments later, we proudly serve our local community, our country and practice members coming from all around the globe. From babies a few days old to our ‘Golden Agers’ in their nineties, we take care of everyone from Olympians and world champion athletes, to our most amazingly awesome Autistic friends, teachers, medical doctors and nurses, farmers and everyone else with a spine! You can even spot our furry, four-legged friends getting adjusted, as Dr. MH works as team chiropractor for Huskey Rescue Ireland.

Education is key in our office and we seek to empower everyone who seeks our assistance, teaching them about the power of living in a body free of vertebral subluxation. Integrating the art, science and philosophy of Chiropractic has been the foundation of our thriving and incredibly fun practice!

To book an appointment to set your spine free, please ring Sandra and Tara, the best front of house gals in the business.


  • How does one describe the knowing, the voices, the communication with those who have crossed over, the vibrations, the stories from lives lived long ago?

    In a nutshell, it’s impossible to pin this wave to the sand because every session is unique. After many years and what must be thousands of facilitations of every type of healing imaginable, I have yet to give what I do a catchy moniker, as nothing seems to quite fit the bill. I am blessed with the ability to touch an individual, either physically or energetically, and “download” information much like downloading info from the hard-drive of a computer.

  • This is the first question I always ask the energy body of the person before me. For some, connecting with how and when a disease process began is most relevant to finding a way to get rid of it or make peace with it. For others, emotional or spiritual crisis may have landed them on my table. There are times when cellular memories carried over from a previous incarnation may be the culprit for imbalance or disharmony in someone’s life.

    And sometimes, it’s the overwhelming desire to connect with a lost loved one in order to move on from debilitating grief.

  • In essence, I’m a dot connector, energetically and verbally bringing “Ah- ha” moments to those seeking my assistance. I once heard metaphysical healing described as window washing for the soul. The healer simply wiping away the dirt and grime accumulated by life’s challenges, so that a person may see clearly again, ultimately bringing about their own healing, understanding, growth and evolution.

  • My favourites being the moment the light clicks on and a person realises that they already are the Divine Love and Wisdom that they seek. Once a person remembers this simple, yet powerful truth, nothing is impossible. To the pursuit of restoring this memory to my fellow travellers through life, I have dedicated the use of my unique way of healing, hearing, seeing and feeling the world around me.

    I most often refer to myself as a steward of humanity, living and loving to serve, because the rest is just a bit too much to squeeze onto a business card!