Promised by Heaven: A Doctor's Return from the Afterlife to a Destiny of Love and Healing

A moving and inspirational memoir of love, loss, and renewal, Promised by Heaven tells the amazing story of how one woman’s near-death experience and glimpse of heaven led her to discover her gifts of healing and share them with the world.

In December of 1991, Mary Helen Hensley was involved in a car accident that changed her life forever. Upon impact, traveling at more than seventy-five miles per hour, she felt time stall and temporarily left her body. In those moments, Mary Helen was consumed with a sudden clarity. She realized she had the choice to either remain in her body or exit from the earth, allowing the remainder of the scene to unfold without feeling any pain. She chose to depart from her body - and enter heaven.

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“Understanding is the New Healing”, the audio book, is enhanced with ancient Solfeggio frequencies, layered with Alpha, Beta and Gamma brainwaves, which correspond with the mood, or feeling of each story you will hear.

There are no Theta or Delta waves used, so it is perfectly safe to listen to this audio book while driving. My desire is to give you the opportunity to connect with each of these stories in a deeply meaningful way, allowing for a richer experience, as you integrate this information; not only by hearing it, but by feeling it. The experiences or traumas shared within these stories, are anchored to the correlating frequencies I use in my work as a metaphysician, in order to promote healing, growth and the release of damaging memories at a cellular level. We have taken the audio experience from one of simply listening to one that allows our listeners to fully immerse and connect with the endless potential of their own innate healing abilities.

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Hugh and the Manatee: This book is the first in a series in which every child could find themselves. Our hope is that its message will touch the hearts of our adult LGBTQ friends who never had the chance to read about a child that looked or felt like they did.

For our younger readers, we want to offer a broader perspective, a new dialogue and a better understanding of what the real world, and ALL of its people, actually looks like.

Throughout this series, we will strive to support our young readers as they grow into caring, compassionate and loving individuals, who put kindness and inclusion above all. This is our contribution to the change we want to be and see in the world.

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The Chakra Fairies is a magical children’s book full of the most beautifully illustrated fairies that gives a message of wellness and hope for children and their parents.

The Chakra Fairies is a story that I began telling to my own children more than a decade ago. I realised that the greatest gift I could give to my girls was the ability to care for their own well-being, by teaching them how to recognise the energy systems that directly affect their experiences of life. Through the repetition of this story, they have developed an understanding of the importance of learning from their daily interactions with the world and then letting go of the residue of these experiences that could gradually be stored up as hurt, blame, bitterness or anger. What has resulted is a great sense of self-esteem, value and worth, with a realisation that others are simply doing the best that they can with the tools available to them.

Coming Soon

The Pocket Coach: Motivation for Life

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Bringing Death to Life: An Uplifting Exploration of Living, Dying, the Soul Journey and the Afterlife.

Bringing Death to Life shines light onto a subject that is too often feared or avoided in our everyday conversations: death. But the authors of this book suggest that it might be wiser to recognize, understand and accept death rather than be frightened of it.

When Patricia lost her parents, she experienced a journey of loss and grief, which later became the catalyst for this book. Patricia shares her story with us as her co-authors, Aidan, Mary Helen and Pamela, offer insights into a wide range of topics, including facing the fear of death, the aftermath of loss, being present during the death of a loved one, and connecting to signs and messages from beyond. Prayers, affirmations, and remarkable stories of the afterlife also make up this special, thought-provoking and deeply comforting book.

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A Better Voice: Straight from the entertainment industry frontlines

In this book, edited by Mary Helen, Valerie Morehouse takes us side-stage at major music awards, into the green rooms at televised performances, into the darkest fears of the come-back kids, reminding us that even the most well-known and successful artists are just people like you and me, trying to share their gifts by doing what they love. Valerie is one of the most influential voice coaches in the entertainment industry, is a deeply compassionate, fiercely dedicated professional who is directly affecting listeners by creating well-educated, conscientious and confident performers who truly want to make a difference in people’s lives.

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Moving from fear to trust

Moving From Fear To Trust, a book edited by Mary Helen, is an ongoing exercise of being human, one in which we must reevaluate and reinvent ourselves on a continuous basis, when faced with any of life’s challenges. May this book give you the courage to move from fear to trust every single time.

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