Dr. Mary Helen Hensley is a multifaceted leader, serving as the Head of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality at the Book Hub Publishing Group. She has published several books with BHP and contributed chapters to a range of our publications since 2009.

With a stellar career spanning across various disciplines, she brings a unique blend of expertise, imagination and creativity to her role. As a bestselling author, her words resonate globally, inspiring readers to embrace diversity and foster inclusive communities. Dr. Hensley's dynamic presence extends beyond the written word; she is a renowned international speaker, captivating audiences with her insightful discussions on metaphysics, equality and healing.

In her capacity as Head of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality, Dr. Hensley champions initiatives that promote representation and belonging within the indie publishing industry. She spearheads efforts to amplify marginalised voices and cultivate environments where everyone feels valued and empowered. Drawing from her background as a metaphysical healer, she infuses her work with compassion and understanding, nurturing spaces that embrace the richness of human experience. Dr. Hensley's dedication to fostering inclusivity and equality serves as a guiding light in both her professional and personal endeavours. 

When the world went in to lockdown in early 2020, under the guidance of CEO Rory Hughes, several friends got together and we combined our connections on Broadway and the West End to co-found and create BOOM. When live performances were put on hold indefinitely, BOOM gave some of musical theatre’s biggest names the opportunity to create a stream of revenue, not only for themselves, but for lesser known colleagues, tech support and a variety of charities.

With one daughter in musical theatre and the other in music production, my girls have made so many friends and connections in the industry, since beginning as original student members.

At Broadway Official Online Masterclass, aka BOOM, we are passionate about empowering and inspiring theatre performers to hone their craft and build successful careers in the performing arts. Our mission is to provide comprehensive and high-quality theatre education, training, and audition preparation through our accessible online platform.

Our teachers are prominent professionals in the theatre world and our goal is to challenge artists to push their boundaries and refine their skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for the demands of the industry.

At BOOM, we believe in the transformative power of education. We are dedicated to nurturing talent, fostering creativity, and building a supportive community where performers can thrive. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, our program is tailored to meet you where you are and help you reach your full potential. Join us and take the next step in your theatre career with confidence and inspiration.

Ride or die friends are those special alliances that truly transcend the rest. Call them your soul mates, BFFs, or ride or die friends…they're loyal, authentic, honest, and consistent, and always have your back, no matter what.

The stars were smiling upon me the day sines.app CEO and founder, Greg Papania, vibed into my life.

He simply gets it…all of it. He conducts a symphony of celestial music that empowers the soul, soothes the mind and heals the heart. There are no other frequencies I would use in my work or share with my clients…that’s the strength and depth of my trust in Greg’s work.

Sines music is based on studies by leading neuroscientists and doctors in sound therapy, brainwave synchronization, and mood-based binaural music. Ahead of its time, crafted by a true artist of frequency and light, Sines music is empowering all who listen, transforming the way humans are interacting with the world around them.