“You already are that which you seek. I’m simply here to help you understand why. I want you to squeeze every last juicy drop out of the promising, delightful, painful, glorious, terrifying, ecstatic, bewildering and inexhaustible potential your life has to offer.”
Following her near-death experience Mary Helen began to realize that her previous skills of communicating with those in spirit had become so much more.
A series of incredible, serendipitous events led her to develop her new-found ability to facilitate the healing process.
Overnight, she found herself able to “read” the ethereal field of an individual, linking her to the person’s history, gaining insights into how past experiences were creating a person’s present reality, regarding their physical, emotional and spiritual health. As a healer, I am simply here to remind you that you already are that which you seek.

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Interviews + Podcasts
Below is a selection of podcasts, interviews and documentaries; for the whole collection follow the link below